Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What gives me the right to talk about this subject?

Absolutely nothing. But then again, why do people listen to Dr. Phil? Or Oprah? Or Rachael Ray, for that matter?

Obvious answer: they are older (wiser?), much more famous, and make quite a bit more money than me. Maybe, one day, I will also have all those things and have the credibility I need for pepole to listen. Until then, you readers will just have to take me on a little faith.

I plan on exploring the realms of human interactions dictated by people's emotions, particularly what happens when things go wrong. I have no idea where this journey will take me. In the end, I may learn as much as my audience.

And so, dear readers, I implore you to grab a spoon and chow down on some Spicy Lentil Soup. Like the titular soup does for sinuses, I hope this blog clears your mind and gives insight into how our emotions affect our judgement. If it's too hot and brings tears to your eyes, I'd reccomend a tall glass of milk.

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